第2回「International Health Promotion Conference 2019 in Manila」の開催について

国立六大学(千葉大学、金沢大学、熊本大学、長崎大学、新潟大学、岡山大学)がコンソーシアム間で連携しているASEAN University Network(AUN)事務局より、国際会議「2nd International Health Promotion Conference」テーマ「Moving Towards Healthy Universities in Asia」について、ご案内がありましたのでお知らせいたします。

日時 2019年 8月 20~21日

場所 Novotel Manila Araneta Center, Manila, the Philippines

日程等詳細及びアブストラクト提出先 https://aunhpnmnl2019.wixsite.com/conference

ご不明な点は会議事務局  aunhpn@up.edu.phまでお尋ねください。     


Dear SUN/SixERS Members,

Warmest Greetings from AUN.

Thank you for your valuable time spent with us during the SUN/SixERS retreat in Ayudtthaya. It was our great honour to have you with us. Also, we did have a productive prep-meeting for AUN ASEAN+3 Rectors’ Meeting 2020 in Kanazawa. This is very much appreciated.

As we shared with you during the retreat, we would like to inform you that currently, AUN currently has 16 AUN Thematic Networks that focus on different specialized subject areas in cooperation with universities and other partners in ASEAN and beyond including Plus Three region. For more information, please visit http://www.aunsec.org under “Network of Networks” category.

May I take this opportunity to share with you that AUN Thematic Network on Health Promotion Network (AUN-HPN) in cooperation with University of the Philippines and AUN will organize the 2nd International Health Promotion Conference on 20-21 August 2019 at Novotel Manila Araneta Center, Manila, the Philippines.

The conference, with its theme “Moving Towards Healthy Universities in Asia,” aims to highlight the roles of universities in promoting healthy lifestyles and environments with the end-goal of empowering communities to embark on activities and programs that promote health. Success stories and challenges will be presented and strategies discussed in the context of local communities and universities. The conference is open to participants both in the ASEAN region and all over the world. Everyone is invited to join this conference and become active in health promotion in their own communities.

We are also calling for abstract submission. The abstracts will be published in the official conference book. The deadline for abstract submission is 15 May 2019.

For more information about the conference schedule and abstract submission, please visit https://aunhpnmnl2019.wixsite.com/conference

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to disseminate the news about the conference and the call for abstract submission to your colleagues and networks.

If you have any queries, the secretariat will be glad to assist you at aunhpn@up.edu.ph

Thank you very much for your support. We look forward to seeing you again in Japan and in Manila.

Best regards,

On behalf of AUN