About the Office for Global Relations

About the Office for Global Relations 


In addition to promoting the advancement and internationalization of all areas of education and research, the university is strengthening its ties with top-level universities both at home and abroad, improving the overall strength of the university, and working to evolve into a world-class university. Furthermore, while respecting the individuality and initiative of students, the university cultivates human resources who can play an active role in the international arena where many cultures coexist by providing an international standard of education, internationalizing the campus, and expanding opportunities for Japanese students to study abroad. By doing this, we aim to become a university that contributes to the harmonious advancement of society.

Based on these goals, in July 2018, we reorganized the Center for International Collaborative Research and the Liaison Center for International Education into the Office for Global Relations. The mission of the Office is as follows:

(1) Formulate plans of global education and research activities and provide support for their implementation in cooperation with relevant departments.
(2) Support collaboration between the university’s departments and the universities and research institutes with whom we engage in concentrated exchange.
(3) Support departments seeking to engage in international cooperation by utilizing the university’s overseas stations and offices of educational research and plan and promote public relations activities to attract outstanding international students.
4) Secure large-scale international cooperation projects and promote global industry-academia-government collaboration

The Office is staffed by one Director, two Deputy Directors, four permanent faculty members, and two part-time faculty members, and it undertakes activities in cooperation with the Internationalization Planning Division of the Research Promotion and International Affiars Department. Meanwhile, the Managmenet Committee of Office for Global Relations meets monthly to deliberate important matters pertaining to the management of the Office. This Committee is composed of the Director of the Research Promotion and International Affairs Department, the Director of the Internationalization Planning Division of the Research Promotion and International Affairs Department, representatives from other departments, and the aforementioned members of the Office. 


Organizational Structure



Masako Ito

(Student Affairs & International Affairs)

Deputy Director
Yujing Jiang

Vice President
(International Exchange)

Deputy Director
Satoshi Kaneko

Executive Advisor to the President (Research at Overseas Stations); Head, Nagasaki University Africa Research Station

Assistant Director
Ruoyan Gai

Assistant Director (Europe)
Noboru Yamashita

Assistant Professor, Center for Language Studies

Takashi Toyama

Futoshi Hasebe

Head, Nagasaki University Southeast Asia Research Station; Professor, Institute of Tropical Medicine

Associate Professor
Masaki Matsumura

Associate Professor
Tomoko Kiyota

Assistant Professor
Jumpei Takahashi

Assistant Professor
Taeko Moriyasu