Message from the Director

Director Masako Ito
Seeking Dialogue and Cooperation with Intellectuals from around the World
In this era of accelerating borderlessness and globalization, Nagasaki University has been actively accepting young people from overseas who want to study in Japan, and even more so, who want to study in Nagasaki. We have produced a wealth of talent who seek harmony and coexistence in global society and who contribute to the resolution of a diverse array of issues in local and international communities and along with the development of those communities.
The University’s mission of providing quality education and fostering well-rounded human resources with well-developed characters who will play an active role in the international community remains unchanged.
The Planetary Health project, a new challenge for Nagasaki University, was launched in 2020. This is a new attempt to address the current situation where the health of the planet is at stake by inducing and activating an organic chain of knowledge to tackle social issues.
With the launch of its new and improved website, I believe the Office for Global Relations will take a more active approach to disseminating information about Nagasaki University’s unique education and research to the world in order to make the university into a place where people with different abilities and ideas can meet and enjoy dialogue and collaboration with each other, while we strive to be even more accepting than ever before of diverse cultures and ideas.
Based on our motto of “seeking dialogue and cooperation with intellectuals from around the world”, we will support collaboration both inside and outside the university to achieve planetary health.
I hope you will access the content that you find interesting and send us your thoughts and comments.