On Thursday June 24, a joint seminar “Historical lessons – Hiroshima and Nagasaki” was held online with the University of East Sarajevo (UES) and the University of Banja Luka (UNIBL) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, and Nagasaki University.
This seminar was made possible by the visit to NU in December 2020 by H.E. Sinisa Berjan of the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Japan. Along with students from UES and UNIBL, about 20 students and faculty members from NU attended the event, including students from the School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, the School of Medicine.
Prof. Fumihiko Yoshida, Director of the Research Center for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (RECNA), spoke about the importance of abolishing nuclear weapons in order to prevent the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki from happening again. Ms. Keiko Ogura, an A-bomb survivor of Hiroshima, spoke about her own experience at the age of eight, using maps and pictures to convey a strong message that the tragedies must never be repeated. We look forward to continuing collaboration with the universities in BiH.

Greetings from H.E. Sinisa Berjan of the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Japan