On September 13, 2022, Mr. Medina Morante Antonio Amaury, Vice Minister of Construction of Cuba and his colleagues made a courtesy visit to the president of Nagasaki University.
20 government officials from Cuba are staying in Nagasaki to participate in a JICA training program on “Road and Bridge Maintenance and Management”. 3 representatives out of them attended this visit.
They met with Dr. Kohno Shigeru, President and related members of faculty including Associate Prof. Nishikawa Takafumi, Graduate School of Engineering who is in charge of the said JICA program.
Following to welcome by Dr. Kohno, Cuban side expressed their gratitude for the training, and both sides exchanged views on future collaboration.
Since 2007, Nagasaki University has been operating the Infrastructure Lifetime Extension and Maintenance Research Center and promoting the training of “Michimori,” a group of engineers who play a role in infrastructure maintenance. As Mr. Medina Morante stated “we would like to create a Cuban version of Michimori”, the efforts to nurture Michimori are spreading from Nagasaki to the world.
【Infrastructure Lifetime Extension and Maintenance Research Center website】 http://ilem.jp/
【Michimori Training Unit website】 https://michimori.net/