1. Purpose of the recruitment
Nagasaki University’s mission is “to contribute to the improvement of a well-balanced society by transmitting its inheritance of the traditional culture rooted in Nagasaki, cultivating a fertile creative sense in students, and developing innovative science for world peace.” Based on this philosophy, Nagasaki University Office for Global Relations (hereinafter referred to as “OGR”) is responsible for planning and drafting projects for international collaboration and exchange from a university-wide perspective, in order to contribute to efforts to raise the level of education and research at Nagasaki University.
We are seeking a professor who will be responsible for planning, supporting, and developing collaborative projects with overseas educational and research institutions, etc., while taking advantage of Nagasaki University’s outstanding overseas education and research stations by understanding the strengths of the university’s departments. We would like to ask all parties concerned to make this recruitment widely known and recommend suitable candidates.
2. Affiliation
Office for Global Relations, Nagasaki University
3. Gender and number of recruits
One professor (Female Only)
Note: This is an open recruitment based on Article 8 of the Act on Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment (Special Provisions Concerning Measures for Female Workers) to proactively improve the situation where the proportion of female workers is considerably low.
4. Application Requirements
Applicants must meet all conditions (1) through (5):
- Have in-depth knowledge and insight into international affairs and trends in global education and research activities.
- Have experience in international education, research, or international cooperation activities and the ability to coordinate such activities.
- Possess a doctoral degree (including equivalent degrees conferred in foreign countries) in a specialized field or have equivalent academic knowledge.
- Preferably have work experience in one or more foreign countries.
- Are not employed at Nagasaki University.
5. Duties
- Work related to the formulation of a plan for global education and research.
- Duties related to the development of human resources for global education and research.
- Duties related to research on trends in global education and research.
- Planning, formulation, and evaluation of international collaborative projects based on the university’s globalization plan.
- Duties related to overseas education and research bases of the university.
- Development of a crisis management system for global education and research activities.
- Teaching courses related to global education and research.
- Academic and research activities in line with the OGR activities, and
- Other work necessary to achieve the objectives of the OGR.
6. Scheduled date of appointment
The earliest possible date, including and after November 1, 2023
7. Treatment
Salary and working conditions: Per the Rules of Employment for Nagasaki University Employees and the Nagasaki University Staff Salary Regulations.
Type of Work: Discretionary Labor System (full-time)
Employment Status: Term of office based on the “Law Concerning the Term of Office of University Teachers” (5 years, reappointment possible)
Salary: Annual salary system in principle
Rules of Employment for Nagasaki University
Salary Regulations for Nagasaki University Employees
https://www1.g-reiki.net/nagasaki-u/reiki_honbun/x893RG00000112.html (in Japanese)
8. Selection Process
First round: Document review
Second round: Interview (including self-presentation and presentation in English on international cooperation, etc.)
Information on the second round of screening will be sent to successful applicants in the first round.
The interview for the second round will be held in person on either Friday, August 18 or Monday, August 21. (The applicant will bear travel expenses, etc.)
The final results will be notified in mid-September.
9. Application Documents
1. Curriculum vitae [Form 1]
2. Activities in international collaborative projects, etc. [Form 2]
3. Professional achievements and activities in field of expertise [Form 3]
4. Statement of research achievements [Form 4]
5. Major research achievements (reprints and photocopies acceptable)
Select up to five notable books, papers, etc., and attach a 200-character summary in Japanese/100-word summary in English, arranged in order of importance. (Optional form)
If there is a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), EID (Electronic Identifier of Scopus) or PMID (PubMed Identifier), please be sure to indicate it correctly.
6. Aspirations on assuming the relevant position [Form 5]
7. Please describe your aspirations for promoting the globalization of Nagasaki University, education and guidance for students, and research in your new position as a faculty member of the OGR (within 2,000 characters in Japanese / 1,000 words in English).
8. Achievements in obtaining external funds [Form 6]
9. Name, affiliation, and contact information (telephone number, e-mail address (optional)) (optional form) of the person whose opinion you wish to be requested as a reference.
Please download Forms 1 to 6 from the storage below.
Storage for downloading forms:
Password for download: globalnagasaki
All documents must be in A4 size.
10. Deadline for applications
Friday, July 14, 2023, 15:00 (UTC+0900)
11. Submission of Application Documents
Please upload the electronic media (converted to PDF files for each of the documents (1) through (8) in a single folder to the storage space below.
12. Storage for application document submission
Access password: globalnagasaki
After uploading the documents, please notify us that you have uploaded them by contacting our e-mail address (kokuki@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp).
If you do not receive a reply within two business days, don’t hesitate to contact the contact person in charge of this matter.
For works that cannot be converted to PDF, such as (5) Major Research Achievements, please send them by registered mail or another delivery method that can confirm the delivery status.
None of the submitted documents will be returned.
For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact:
Internationalization Planning Division, Research and International Affairs Department, Nagasaki University
1-14 Bunkyo-machi, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan
E-mail: kokuki@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp
TEL: +81-95-819-2121 or 2122
Fax: +81-95-819-2125
13. Others
1. For more information on Nagasaki University and the Office for Global Relations, please refer to the following website.
Nagasaki University HP: https://www.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/en/
Office for Global Relations HP: https://global.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/en/
2. Personal information of applicants obtained by Nagasaki University through this recruitment will not be used for any purpose other than this selection and employment process.
3. Nagasaki University promotes gender equality following the spirit of the “Basic Act for Gender-Equal Society”.
4. Nagasaki University is a non-smoking university, and to protect students and faculty members from passive smoking, we will not hire anyone who smokes. This does not apply if the applicant pledges not to smoke after employment.