
Japan-China-Korea Intercollegiate Cooperative Project to Foster Leading Water Environment Engineers
Master’s Course, Graduate School of Engineering
The aim of this program is to accept international students primarily from China and Korea, and in close cooperation with domestic companies, to foster highly-skilled professionals with excellent practical skills who can contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of water in Asia.
Participating Universities from China
Tongji University, Shandong University, Fuzhou University, Shanghai Ocean University, Shandong University of Science and Technology
Participating Universities from Korea
Kangwon National University, Jeonbuk National University, Chonnam National University, Pukyong National University, Jeju National University, Yeungnam University
Participating University from Japan
Nagasaki University
Acceptance of 42 degree students (25 Chinese Students & 17 Korean Students) for Master’s Course
China-Japan-Korea Intercollegiate Cooperative Project for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineers
Master’s Course, Graduate School of Engineering
Special audit students from China and Korea are accepted to courses related to infrastructure development to foster highly skilled professionals who can contribute to the development and maintenance of infrastructure in Asia and elsewhere in close cooperation with public institutions and domestic companies.
Japanese students are dispatched to universities in China and Korea where they take lectures and seminars (in English) on infrastructure development by way of a credit transfer system with the aim of developing human resources with a global perspective who can contribute to infrastructure development and maintenance in Asian countries.
Participating University from China
Shandong University
Participating University from Korea
Sungkyunkwan University
Participating University from Japan
Nagasaki University
Asia Intercollegiate Cooperative Project for Nurturing Global Leaders in Sustainable Infrastructure Development
Master’s and Doctoral Course, Graduate School of Engineering
Nurturing international infrastructure engineers who can work successfully across Asia
Participating University from China
Shandong University
Participating University from Korea
Sungkyunkwan University
Participating Universities from ASEAN
National University of Laos (Laos), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Participating University from Japan
Nagasaki University